
Quantos quilos?
Did you know that Portuguese‑speaking countries use the metric system? For weight, use words like quilo and grama.
Quantos quilos você quer?
How many kilos do you want?
Um copo de suco tem quantos gramas de açúcar?
How many grams of sugar does a glass of juice have?
Careful not to mix up this masculine o grama with the feminine a grama!
How many centimeters are in a meter?
Forget about inches and feet! For lengths, use words like quilômetro, metro, and centímetro.
Nós corremos vinte quilômetros.
We run twenty kilometers.
Quantos centímetros tem um metro?
How many centimeters are in a meter?
Do you know the answer to the question above? There are 100 centimeters in a meter! Which is about three feet.
Um litro de leite
In Portuguese‑speaking countries, people don’t really use gallons. To talk about liquids like suco and leite, use the word litro.
Eu bebo um litro de leite.
I drink a liter of milk.
Fun fact: one gallon is almost four liters!
Eu bebo litros de água.
I drink liters of water.