Verbs: Imperative
In English, we'd say Let's play! or Let's study! In Portuguese, use the word vamos!

Vamos caminhar.
Let's walk.
Vamos by itself is also a common way to say Let's go!
Time to get bossy!
To tell someone what to do, you'll need a new verb form.

Faça o que eu digo, não faça o que faço.
Do as I say, not as I do.
To make this command form, first, take the eu form (like eu faço). Then, for ‑er verbs, replace the o with an a!
fazer ‑ eu faço → faça
dizer ‑ eu digo → diga
For ‑ar verbs, drop the o for an e instead!
esperar ‑ eu espero → espere
limpar ‑ eu limpo → limpe

Por favor, espere até ele voltar.
Please, wait until he returns.
Tu‑toring sessions
If you're giving orders to someone you'd use tu with, just use the same verb form as you would with ele and ela!
olhar ‑ ela olha → olha
limpar ‑ ele limpa → limpa

Olha, um pássaro!
Look, a bird!
World domination
If you're giving orders to several people, use the ending ‑am for ‑er verbs and ‑em for ‑ar verbs. So bossy!

Olhem aquela folha.
Look at that leaf.