Common Phrases 2

Did you mess up? Do you want to say I’m sorry? You can say either desculpe or desculpa! You might hear either one — there’s no practical difference!
Desculpe, Laura.
I’m sorry, Laura.
Excuse me...
Use com licença to politely get the attention of a person you don’t know.
Com licença, você tem água?
Excuse me, do you have water?​
You can also use com licença when people are in your way and you need them to move. It’s definitely more polite than shoving!
Nice to meet you
When you meet new people, use prazer em conhecer você.
Olá, prazer em conhecer você.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
In Portuguese‑speaking countries, it’s common for two men to shake hands when meeting. Women generally cheek kiss (or air kiss), even when meeting new people. The number of cheek kisses can vary according to where you are!
Não, não, não!
To say don’t or doesn’t in Portuguese, you only need to use não before the verb.
Eu não tenho pão, desculpe.
I do not have bread, sorry.
Ela não fala inglês.
She does not speak English.