Adjectives II

Old and older
Let's review how to use adjectives in Portuguese! Remember that they have to match the gender of the word they describe.
uma camisa velha
an old shirt
Use mais with an adjective to make comparisons.
Ele é mais velho que ela.
He is older than her.
And finally, don't forget to add an ‑s to adjectives if they are describing a plural word.
Eu tenho três irmãs mais velhas.
I have three older sisters.
É duro!
Here's another word with a lot of different meanings: duro.
Meu pescoço está duro.
My neck is stiff.
O trabalho é duro.
The work is hard.
If something requires a lot of effort, use duro. When something is complicated, use difícil.
Esta é uma pergunta difícil.
This is a difficult question.