
A senhora
Use senhor and senhora to talk about strangers, authorities, and older people politely.
Aquele senhor é importante.
That gentleman is important.
Aquela senhora usa um vestido bonito.
That lady wears a beautiful dress.
You can also use o senhor and a senhora to politely address strangers, authorities, or older people.
A senhora é uma pessoa boa.
You, ma'am, are a good person.
O senhor é responsável por isso.
You, sir, are responsible for that.
Minha noiva
You can use the words noivo and noiva for both the person you're engaged to and the person you are marrying at your wedding.​
Ela é minha noiva.
She is my fiancée.
Ela é a noiva.
She is the bride.
Another word with two related meanings is casamento!
Quando é o casamento?
When is the wedding?
Como está o seu casamento?
How is your marriage?
Um cara legal
Here are two ways to say guy in Portuguese.
Não gosto daquele cara.
I do not like that guy.
Eu sou um sujeito simples.
I am a simple guy.
You can also use the word sujeito to talk about men you don't know.
Eram dois sujeitos em uma moto.
They were two individuals on a motorcycle.
And here are two ways to say people. Use gente when talking with friends and family, and pessoas in more formal situations.
Nós somos pessoas boas.
We are good people.
Eles são gente boa.
They are good people.
Protip: gente is a singular noun even if it always refers to many people!