
Isn't it grande?
Let's look at some similar words. Use grande to talk about size.
A casa de vocês é grande!
Your house is big!​
Use amplo for something spacious.
Esta casa é ampla.
This house is spacious.​
The word largo looks like large, but don't be fooled! Its meaning is closer to wide or loose!​
Ele usa uma camisa larga.
He wears a loose shirt.​
What's your size?
Here's a common question you might hear in stores.
Você sabe qual é o seu tamanho?​​
Do you know what your size is?
If something doesn't fit right because it's too small, use apertado.
Os sapatos dela estão apertados.
Her shoes are tight.​
Use justo when something fits nice and snuggly.
O short dele é justo.​​
His shorts are tight.
But you can also use justo to say something is just or fair!​​
É justo!
It's fair!
The sounds of l​
Listen to how the Portuguese l changes depending on what letters it's next to!
sala, mala, lobo
As the l in left.
calça, alto, hotel
As the l in milk in Portugal, as the w in tow in Brazil.