Verbs: Present 3
To be continued...
In Portuguese, you can use continuar by itself, or together with an ‑ndo verb!

Ele continua aqui.
He is still here.

Ele continua caminhando.
He keeps walking.
I think I can, I think I can!
Can I give you a tip? Use poder to ask for permission, or to talk about abilities and possibilities.

Eu posso ver a revista?
Can I see the magazine?

Não posso correr.
I cannot run.

Você pode ser um professor.
You can be a teacher.
When talking about abilities, you can also use conseguir.

Ela não consegue nadar.
She is not able to swim.
The sounds of x
The letter x can have different sounds in Portuguese. Here are a couple of examples!
exijo, existo, exatamente
Before a vowel, it sounds as the z in zoo.
exploro, explico, texto
Before a consonant, it sounds as the s in space.