Adjectives III

Let's break the ais!
We've seen that one animal becomes many animais. Adjectives ending with ‑l also follow this pattern when you describe more than one thing!
Esta é uma peça original.
This is an original piece.
As fotos são originais.
The pictures are original.
Protip: Have you noticed how similar these words are to their English counterparts? Only their plural forms are slightly different.
Que chato!
You didn't like it? Use chato to describe something boring or annoying.
Às vezes ele é chato.
Sometimes he is boring.
Ela é muito chata!
She is very annoying!
The opposite of chato is legal.
Ele é legal.
He is cool.
The word legal also means legal, like in English.
O agente diz que não é legal.
The agent says it's not legal.
Ele é tão infantil!
The word infantil has double duty in Portuguese! Use it to describe something made for children, or someone who acts like a child.
Ela vende roupas infantis.
She sells children's clothes.
Eu não sou tão infantil.
I am not that childish.