
So much happiness
Feeling happy? You can use the word feliz with both verbs ser and estar.​​

estar feliz refers to a temporary state, while ser feliz is used for permanent or long‑lasting conditions.
Eu estou feliz hoje.
I am happy today.​​
Eu sou uma pessoa feliz.
I am a happy person.​
If you want to talk about the feeling itself, use felicidade.
O que é felicidade?
What is happiness?​
And if you want to congratulate someone, use felicidades!
The word saudades is very special. Use it with estar com to describe a feeling of longing or nostalgia.​
Estou com saudades de você.
I miss you.​
Um beijo
When saying goodbye, in person or on the phone, you can say um beijo instead of tchau.
Um beijo!
Bye! (Literal: A kiss!​)
If you are not comfortable sending someone a kiss when saying goodbye, you can say um abraço (a hug).