São e salvo
Use the word saúde to talk about health.

Saúde é tudo.
Health is everything.
The adjective for saúde is são for masculine words and sã for feminine.
Estamos sãos e salvos.
We are safe and sound. (Literal: We are healthy and safe.)
Mente sã, corpo são.
Sane mind, healthy body. (Literal: Healthy mind, healthy body.)
Operação no coração
Words ending in ‑ão can be either masculine or feminine.
A operação dele levou oito horas.
His operation took eight hours.
Correr é bom para a circulação.
Running is good for the circulation.
O coração precisa de mais sangue.
The heart needs more blood.
O órgão chegou ao hospital.
The organ arrived at the hospital.
To understand the gender of these words, you'll have to look for hints in the surrounding words like o, a, etc.

A pressão está baixa.
The blood pressure is low.
Chama uma ambulância!
Both Brazil and Portugal have public and private healthcare services. You are usually not charged anything if you call uma ambulância in an emergency situation.

Chama uma ambulância!
Call an ambulance!
If you go see um médico ou uma médica, they will ask you what convênio you have if you are at a private healthcare provider.

Qual é o seu convênio?
What is your health insurance plan?