Verbs: Subjunctive Present
Eu quero que…
When talking about wishes, desires, and requests, use verbs like querer and pedir with que.
Eu quero que ela me ame.
I want her to love me.
Nós pedimos que ele tire o chapéu.
We ask that he take off his hat.
You can also use expressions like talvez and embora.
Talvez não faça nenhuma diferença.
Maybe it does not make any difference.
Embora seja amargo, é gostoso.
Although it is bitter, it is tasty.
…que você me ame!
After an expression that talks about wishes, desires, and requests you need a verb in a special form called the subjunctive.
Talvez ela te ame.
Maybe she loves you.
O que você espera que eu fale?
What do you expect me to say?
Here's the present subjunctive forms for ‑ar and ‑er/‑ir verbs.
eu | fale / entenda |
você / ele / ela | fale / entenda |
nós | falemos / entendamos |
vocês / eles / elas | falem / entendam |

Eu espero que você entenda.
I hope that you understand.
Eu quero que você seja feliz!
You've already seen that some Portuguese verbs change a lot. That's also true for the subjunctive, which uses forms similar to the eu form in the present.
Eu tenho sorte.
I am lucky. (Literal: I have luck.)
Eu espero que você tenha sorte.
I hope you are lucky. (Literal: I hope you have luck.)
Eu faço café.
I make coffee.
Você quer que eu faça café?
Do you want me to make coffee?
The verbs ser and saber change a lot too.
Eu quero que você seja meu amigo.
I want you to be my friend.
Não que eu saiba.
Not that I know.