Tu or Você
You and you
There are a few ways of saying you in Portuguese. Two of these are tu and você.
Portugal is the main place you will hear tu. In Brazil, you'll hear a mix of both tu and você, depending on where you are. Also, in Brazilian Portuguese it’s common to use tu with the você verb form as in tu é.
Here's how to use comer with both of them.

Tu comes peixe.
You eat fish.
Você come peixe.
You eat fish.
As you can see, the verb that follows tu ends in ‑s and the one that follows você doesn't.
És and é
Even verbs that generally have special forms (like ser), change in a similar way for tu and você.
Tu és um homem.
You are a man.
Tu tens uma fazenda.
You have a farm.
Tu lês livros.
You read books.
Você é um homem.
You are a man.
Você tem uma fazenda.
You have a farm.
Você lê livros.
You read books.
The sound of the c
The Portuguese c sounds different depending on what letter it’s next to. Listen how it changes!
comes, desculpe, cavalo
Here, c usually sounds like k, as in cap.
cebola, você, cinco
But c before e or i sounds like s in salt.
Meanwhile, ç sounds like s.