
Quais pontos?
The word ponto has so many different meanings in Portuguese! By itself, it means point or dot.
Neste ponto, nós queremos escrever uma definição.
At this point, we want to write a definition.​​
Tem muitos pontos na foto.
There are many dots on the picture.​
Use em ponto when talking about time to say o'clock sharp.
São seis horas em ponto.
It's six o'clock sharp.​
And you can use the expression ponto forte to talk about strengths.
Quais são seus pontos fortes?
​What are your strengths?​
Que massa?
While the word massa means exactly what it looks like, mass, its most common meaning in Portuguese is pasta.
Nós comemos massa.
We eat pasta.​
Massa may sound similar to maçã, but you pronounce them differently. In massa, the first part of the word (ma‑) is stressed. In maçã, the second part (‑çã) is stressed.
massa​ → The stress is on ma‑.

maçã​ → The stress is on ‑çã.