Fees and taxes
The word taxa in Portuguese usually means fee.
A população não quer pagar a taxa.
The population does not want to pay the fee.
Eu devo pagar uma taxa.
I must pay a fee.
Use imposto instead to talk about taxes.
O imposto é muito alto no Brasil.
Taxes are very high in Brazil.
Nós pagamos impostos sem saber.
We pay taxes without knowing.
Falando sobre salários...
Brazilian and Portuguese people might not always be comfortable talking about their income. So don't ask how much someone's salário is!

Ela recebe um alto salário.
She earns a high salary.
If you are looking for a job in a Portuguese‑speaking country, you may talk about salários, but be aware that in Portuguese people talk about monthly salaries instead of annual salaries.
Tips for your shopping sprees!
Most stores in Brazil and Portugal accept cartão de crédito, but make sure you ask before making a purchase.

Vocês aceitam cartão de crédito?
Do you accept credit cards?
Sometimes store clerks might ask you in how many installments you want to pay for your purchase. Stores and other companies can charge you for your purchase in monthly installments, without charging juros.

Eu não pago juros.
I do not pay interests.