Different regions in China prepare their cuisine with their own unique styles, ingredients, and flavors!
Dim sum, 点心 (diǎnxīn), is a bite‑sized Cantonese dish that’s usually served in baskets; Shanghai is famous for steamed pork dumplings, or 小笼包 (xiǎolóngbāo); and deep‑fried dough sticks with soy milk, or 油条 (yóutiáo) with 豆浆 (dòujiāng), is one of the most popular breakfast combinations across China.
What’s your favorite Chinese food?
(Nǎ jiā shànghǎi fànguǎn dexiǎolóngbāozuì hào chī?) Which Shanghainese restaurant has the tastieststeamed pork dumplings?